Autopal Headlights

Submitted by rootgear on Wed, 12/28/2016 - 01:40
AutoPal Headlights

One of the first things I noticed with the Jeep was the poor headlight performance.  There were times I wondered if the headlights were on.  Most of the time, if there was a car behind me, I could see a Cherokee shaped shadow in front of me.  The sealed beam headlights are terrible.

I did some research on headlights and saw many on H4 conversions or LED units.  We got out first snow the day after we got the Jeep, and I head horror stories about LED headlights getting iced over, so I decided to get an H4 conversion.

The majority of the H4 conversion posts recommended the Autopal Euro 200mm headlights, so that is what I went with.  I found them on ebay, and they arrived recently.